Research Reveals Approximately…

Leaders are Elite
People Reach Their Goals
Athletes Move to Professional Ranks

What makes these people different?

Improve Within > Elevate Others > Win in Results

Mentality Movement > For Anymore With Any Goal Looking for Faster Results

Own Your Development


Do you ever lack motivation to start or complete tasks?  Life responsibilities can be overwhelming and present challenges.

We know knowledge is not the issue and time and action are a challenge for many. Our belief emerged through research, observation, and experience. We strongly believe with the right developmental foundation, focus and discipline, goals and higher-level achievements are accomplished faster no matter what challenges we encounter.

Mentality Movement™ is a personal and professional development company designed to elevate others by offering starter resources for more timely self-development and goal achievement via our MINDMOVE™ program. Our resources focus on helping others close the gap by eliminating barriers between thought and action to achieve desired outcomes faster.

Whether your goal is to be promoted faster, open your own business, get recruited to play a sport in college, communicate better with another person, become more efficient so you have time for non-work things, get in better shape, or something else, Mentality Movement™ can help anyone with any goal looking to achieve faster results.

Methodology for Movement


When we speak about movement, we are referring to the action a person takes to complete a task, a project, or reach a goal.

Methodology for Movement consists of three components necessary for initial movement to occur. The three components include defining the purpose, reducing distractions, and implementing discipline.


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Essentials for Movement


Our research tells us that one must constantly, meaning daily, work on four essentials in life to continue to improve and move. These essentials for movement are Mindset, Awareness & Self-control, Health, and Human Capacity.

We all have distractions that cause us to get off track and slow down. At times, even stop movement all together. These distractions can be reduced with daily practice of the four essentials that are needed for continued movement.


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Why Wait? Get Moving Today!


Mentality Movement™ is a personal and professional development company designed to elevate others by offering starter resources for more timely self-development and goal achievement via our MINDMOVE™ program.

We will achieve goals faster if we implement self-development practices rather than waiting for others to develop us.