Essentials for Movement

You have the power to determine your pathway and you can change your pathway at any time. Stop blaming others and stop making excuses. You have the ability to choose.

Think. Move.



Mindset has been researched for many years and continues to be researched due to the affects on human behavior. Several researchers found that individual views and knowledge affect the way people behave, act or think. Our mental component plays a key role in our performance in life.

What are the attributes that are crucial to strengthening our mental component to lead to higher levels of achievement and happier healthier lives?

Awareness & Self Control


Awareness & self-control are components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and are skills that can be learned. Talent Smart found that an individual is more likely to be promoted with a higher EQ than a higher intelligence quotient (IQ), EQ accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs, only 36% of people tested can accurately identify his or her emotions as they happen, and 90% of top performers score high in EQ. Improving in awareness & self-control is important for movement to continue but many people struggle with this.

Why is it so difficult to increase awareness & self-control?



Your health is extremely important for continued movement to occur.  Health is your mental and physical condition. Regular exercise and a consistent healthy diet are proven to have a profound effect on the brain and body leading to increased immune system, energy, confidence, self-esteem, and motivation level. Keeping your exercise and diet programs simple will increase your motivation to stick with it.

How can we spend less time and achieve better health results?

Human Capacity


Human capacity is the maximum output we can produce in a period with the available resources. Expanding our human capacity can be accomplished by increasing overall efficiency. Putting structure in place, following processes, and effectively managing our time are important components to increasing efficiency.

How can you get back one, two, three, or more hours per a day and what would you do with the extra time?

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Mentality Movement™ is a personal and professional development company designed to elevate others by offering starter resources for more timely self-development and goal achievement via our MINDMOVE™ program.

We will achieve goals faster if we implement self-development practices rather than waiting for others to develop us.